Antares Chen

I make a mean gumbo

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Other: Curriculum Vitae

About Me

I am a Ph.D student in the Computer Science department at the University of Chicago where I am fortunate to be advised by Prof. Lorenzo Orecchia. I'm broadly interested in topics related to algorithmic spectral graph theory, convex optimization, and applications of statistical physics to algorithm design. I enjoy teaching and writing about nice ideas in theoretical computer science. Sometimes I post about food.

I am also very grateful for all my previous mentors: Jonathan Huang, David G. Harris, Aravind Srinivasan, Armando Fox, Satish Rao, Ramanathan V. Guha, Aaron Schild, Luca Trevisan

Recent blog posts

  • Coming soon...

What's new...

  • I've started my Ph.D at the University of Chicago, and have recently been thinking about problems related to graph sparsification, local models for partitioning large graphs, solving low-rank semidefinite programs, and proving algorithmic hardness from overlap gap properties. If any of these interest you, drop a line!

In the Past...

  • I was a visiting researcher at Bocconi University in Milan working on various notions of graph sparsification
  • We restarted Berkeley's Undergraduate Group for Theoretical Computer Science
  • I was a student researcher for Data Commons, an open-source knowledge graph that unifies public datasets
  • I was a student researcher for AutoStyle, an automated programming style tutor for large scale classrooms